Sunday, December 30, 2018

How to Recycle glass bottle


Hello everyone,

I have made this bottle from the recycling bottles form my kitchen, they came out really good.
Things you need for this project is:

  • Used bottle.
  • Spray paint. 
  • Tape of any kind. 
  • Scissors.
  • Ribbon bling or any you may like. 
  • E6000 glue and Glue gun.
  • Diamond knob.
  • Felt pads.

Tape the bottle small square like the window

when its done spray paint them

Spray paint the bottle and also the tops.

Then take the Felt Pads, a make hole, and attach with the Diamond knob

Put the Ribbon Bling around the Felt Pads

Use the Glue gun to attach at the top.

Attached the Diamond knob at the top

Remove the tape on the bottle

Put the Ribbon Bling at the window where you removed the tape

You can put the picture inside or anything, you like.

You can use this for many things like for example cotton swabs, makeup brushes, bobby pins, and etc.

You can decide what you want to do with it, but for me, I'm going to give it to my friend as a gift.

Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy it.

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